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François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénélon Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Edna Ferber
  • Geboren: 15. August 1885 in Kalamazoo, MI (USA)
  • Gestorben: 16. April 1968 in New York (USA)
  • Pulitzer Prize: 1925

Die New York Times meinte: "She was among the best-read novelists in the nation, and critics of the 1920s and '30s did not hesitate to call her the greatest American woman novelist of her day" (Appleton History).

1911 [rom] Dawn O'Hara
1912 [pro] Buttered Side Down
1917 [rom] Das ist Fanny [Fanny Herself]
1921 [rom] The Girl
1924 [rom] Eine Frau allein [So Big]
1926 [rom] Das Komödiantenschiff [Show Boat]
1928 [dra] The Royal Family
1930 [rom] Cimarron
1931 [rom] American Beauty
1932 [dra] Dinner at Eight
1935 [rom] Come and Get it
1936 [dra] Stage Door
1939 [aut] A Peculiar Treasure
1941 [rom] Saratoga Trunk
1941 [dra] The Land is Bright (zus. mit G.S. Kaufman)
1945 [rom] Great Son
1948 [dra] Bravo (zus. mit G.S. Kaufman)
1952 [rom] Giant
1958 [rom] Der weiße Palast [Ice Palace]
1963 [aut] A Kind of Magic
1931 Wesley Ruggles verfilmt "Cimarron".
James Whale verfilmt "Show Boat".
1956 George Stevens verfilmt "Giant" (Die Giganten) mit Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson und James Dean.
1960 Anthony Mann verfilmt "Cimarron" mit Glenn Ford und Maria Schell.